You've heard that spray foam insulation is not a safe product. You read online that spray foam releases toxic chemicals and is unsafe to live or breathe around. While you were initially curious about spray foam for its performance, you can't continue considering this product if it would put your family in harm's way.
South Central Services has installed spray foam insulation in hundreds of homes. Our goal is always to provide customers with a solution that will lower their energy bills, make their homes more comfortable, and improve their air quality. We would not install a product that was unsafe for homeowners or put families in danger.
The truth is that spray foam insulation does release chemicals during manufacturing. However, when residents return home, those chemicals should no longer be in the air.
By the end of this article, you will understand:
- When spray foam insulation is not safe to breathe around
- How to tell if spray foam was installed incorrectly
- What to do about unsafe spray foam insulation
Don't have time to read right now? Check out everything you need to know at a glance.
When Is Spray Foam Insulation Not Safe To Breathe Around?
As professional contractors, we would never leave an unsafe product in someone's home. While we are committed to delivering quality work, it is possible for spray foam insulation to be unsafe.
Let's examine the two times when spray foam insulation is not safe to breathe around.
1. Spray Foam Insulation Releases Chemicals During Manufacturing.
It is unsafe to breathe around spray foam insulation during manufacturing. Spray foam is created through a chemical reaction. The resulting product is a plastic foam, and the expected byproducts are heat and off-gassing fumes.
The good news is that homeowners should never be on the premises during manufacturing. When a professional contractor installs spray foam insulation, residents and pets are required to vacate for their safety. As the homeowner, you would not be exposed to off-gassing fumes.
Unless you're installing spray foam DIY, you would never be exposed to the off-gassing fumes released during manufacturing.
Spray foam installers wear respirators to protect their lungs from these off-gassing fumes while spraying. After the spray foam has been manufactured, the byproducts of the chemical reaction dissipate. All that remains is the foam insulation product.
If installing spray foam insulation as a DIY, you must invest in the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect your lungs during manufacturing.
2. Off-Ratio Spray Foam Insulation Releases Chemicals Indefinitely.
It is not safe to breathe around off-ratio spray foam. Off-ratio foam should be considered a failed product and never be left in someone's home. But what is off-ratio foam?
As you know, spray foam insulation is created through a chemical reaction. Several variables must be monitored and controlled for that reaction to occur successfully. These variables include temperature, pressure, and ratio.
Professional spray foam contractors invest tens of thousands of dollars into equipment to monitor and control these variables.
The chemical reaction to create spray foam uses equal amounts of two liquid chemicals. 100% of one chemical reacts against 100% of the other, leaving nothing but product and byproduct.
When spray foam is off-ratio, there is more of one chemical than another. 100% of one chemical reacts against the second chemical, but some amount of the second chemical is leftover. These chemicals, in their raw forms, pose health risks. With no other chemicals available to complete the reaction, the foam off-gasses indefinitely.
How Do You Know Spray Foam Insulation Is On-Ratio?
Unfortunately, the signs of off-ratio foam are difficult for homeowners to diagnose themselves. The best indicators of off-ratio foam are a strong odor and a sticky consistency. Spray foam insulation should not give off strong odors after installation and should not be tacky to the touch.
What To Do About Professionally-Installed Spray Foam Insulation
Professionally installed spray foam insulation should be safe and on-ratio. Professional contractors have the necessary equipment to monitor spray foam variables. The people who work with spray foam every day also recognize the signs of off-ratio foam.
If you have professionally installed spray foam insulation in your house and think it is off-ratio, call the contractor who installed it. Contractors should be held accountable for their work.
What To Do About DIY Spray Foam Insulation
DIY spray foam insulation is more likely to be off-ratio than professionally installed foam. DIY spray foam kits do not include any equipment to monitor the ratio of the foam. The other variables involved, like temperature and pressure, can make DIY foam ineffective.
If you have DIY spray foam insulation in your home that you are unsure of, call a professional contractor. A professional will be able to diagnose if your foam is ineffective. If the DIY spray foam is off-ratio, a professional contractor can also help you remove and replace the insulation.
The Bottom Line About Spray Foam And Breathing Safely
When installed correctly, spray foam insulation is a safe and inert product. It poses no risks to the homeowner and is safe to breathe around and to be surrounded by.
If spray foam is installed incorrectly, the product should no longer be considered safe or inert. Off-ratio foam can off-gas indefinitely due to manufacturing errors. If spray foam has a strong odor or is sticky to the touch, contact a professional to evaluate the foam.
No matter who is installing spray foam, the product is not safe to breathe around during manufacturing. Off-gassing fumes are an expected byproduct of the chemical reaction. Personal protective equipment (PPE) like respirators are non-negotiable during manufacturing.
Now that you understand the safety of spray foam, your next step is to:
- Learn where spray foam insulation can be installed in your home
- Discover how much professional spray foam insulation would cost
- Figure out which contractors in your area will deliver a safe foam product
Disclaimer: While we strive to publish information accurate to building science, local building codes and standards supersede our recommendations.
Kilian has co-owned and operated South Central Services for 8 years. He is passionate about community involvement. In his spare time, he enjoys being with his family, playing ice hockey, and going fishing with friends.