Get ACH Testing For Code Compliance
New construction homes need to pass a blower door test to confirm a low air leakage rate. Different climate zones allow different air exchanges per hour.
Who Requires Blower Door Tests?
The International Residential Code (IRC) and International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) require blower door tests.
The goal of a blower door test is verifying that a new home has an acceptable amount of air leakage. Too much air leakage will result in excessive energy waste.
How Does Blower Door Testing Work?
Air changes per hour (ACH) testing for code compliance follows a straight-forward and scientific process.
The Fan Is Installed.
The blower door fan is installed in an exterior door of the house. Other openings in the thermal envelope are set as they will be during occupancy.
The Home Is Pressurized Or Depressurized.
The fan either adds or removes air from the home. As the air pressure changes, air leakage reveals itself.
The Air Changes Are Precisely Measured.
Specialized equipment measures the exact air exchange (ACH) and the amount of air that moves through the fan (CFM).
Acceptable ACH By Climate Zone
Climate Zones 1 - 2
For these climate zones, air leakage rate cannot exceed more than 5 ACH (air changes per hour).
Climate Zones 3 - 8
For these climate zones, air leakage rate cannot exceed more than 3 ACH (air changes per hour).
Why Work With Us?
Your home needs a blower door test to meet code compliance. But why trust South Central Services for your blower door test?
Most Up-To-Date Testing
Our tests comply with ASTM E-779 (2019), which is the most advanced method of testing air leakage.
Reliable & Educated Technicians
Our team is certified to perform blower door testing. We are also committed to lower energy costs through limited air leakage in homes.

Blower Door Testing FAQs
When Do I Schedule My Blower Door Test?
Blower door tests can only be completed after all penetrations to the thermal envelope have been created. Any new "holes" in the exterior of the home will change the results of the test. This is why blower door tests should be completed when the home is finished.
What Happens If I Fail My Blower Door Test?
If your home fails the blower door test, the technician on-site will help you diagnose problematic areas of air leakage in the home. After these problems have been addressed, another blower door test can be scheduled for a later date.
Where Do You Offer Blower Door Testing?
South Central Services offers blower door tests for our entire service area. This includes south central Pennsylvania, and areas of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
If you're near Greencastle, Mechanicsburg, Hagerstown, Martinsburg, or Leesburg, our technicians can help.
How Much Does A Blower Door Test Cost?
We charge between $300 and $500 for blower door tests. You can get an exact estimate after speaking with our technician.
Request A Blower Door Test
South Central Services is certified to offer blower door tests. Our technicians will work with you to measure the airtightness of your home.
We strive to provide flexible scheduling. However, the sooner you can get on our calendar, the better!
Remember, blower door testing is the last item to be completed in a new home.